In Chat, users can save media files in any chat rooms to File@work, the cloud storage on @work platform.
Desktop & Tablet
Go to a chat room, open a media file and click Save to File at the top right of the screen. When the media file is saved successfully, the system will show the message Saved.
You can verify that your media file is saved to File@work by clicking the Link icon at the bottom of the core navigation bar.
Click File.
Go to the From Chat folder, click the chat room that you saved the media file from and you will find your saved file there.
Go to a chat room, open a media file and tap the share sign at the bottom left of the screen.
Tap Save to File to save the media file to File@work. When the media file is saved successfully, the system will show the message Saved.
You can verify that your media file is saved to File@work by tapping the Link icon on the core navigation bar at the bottom right of the screen.
Tap File.
Go to From Chat folder, tap the chat room that you saved the media file from and you will find your saved file there.